Friday, December 28, 2007

Books - The Black Dress Mary MacKillop’s Early Years by Pamela Freeman

Pamela Freeman appears to have taken real characters and places from what is known about Mary MacKillop and placed them into a fictional story about what Mary MacKillop’s life was like before she became a nun. As a result this book is interesting and an enjoyable read.

The Black Dress is written with Mary MacKillop looking back on the influences of her life, particularly focusing on her childhood. Pamela Freeman presents Mary MacKillop as a girl who is trying to do the right things by her parents, church and the community as taught to her by her parents yet at the same time she is learning about the world in which she will live as an adult, both the good and the bad. Pamela Freeman highlights the struggle between families, communities, those who have money and those who don’t within the context of Australia from 1845-1861 with other dates until 1909. Through highlighting this struggle Pamela Freeman shows the impact of what happened on Mary MacKillop’s life and therefore, her resulting choices with her life.

---- reviewed by Sarah

Friday, December 21, 2007

The Ultimate Summer Fan Fiction Competition

Want something to do over Summer? How about writing some fan fiction? Insideadog are running a great competition where you write a story/poem/song set in a fictional world created by someone else. There are no rules regarding the length, style or genre, so long as it's inspired by a book.

For ideas, check out - examples Harry Potter, Alex Rider, Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants or The Obernewtyn Chronicles.

Insideadog will post their favourite stories on the Yoursay section of their website and get you to vote for you fave in February. The overall winner will win a Summer Reading Beach Pack.

Cheers, Maryanne

The Stone Key publication in February

For those of you waiting for Isobelle Carmody's fifth installment of The Obernewtyn Chronicles, The Stone Key will be published in February 2008.

Cheers, Maryanne

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Games - NRMA Online Game

Game platform: Online game
Game genre: Other
Rating (Aust): G - General
Rate the game: 9

Nice little time waster...

Check out the link below and see what you think:

Share it with your friends and kill some time.

---- reviewed by Caz